Thursday, May 17, 2012

Just one of the many problems with society . . .

I'm going to have to write a book one day. And, it will probably make the majority of black people hate me, but hopefully it will make some of them see the light. I can't live in a world anymore where being successful or being in honors classes in grade school as a black woman is termed "being white." I can't live in a world where black people under achieve and still try to blame someone else fortheir inadequacies. I can't live in a world where black people are still trying to get an apology for slavery and by doing so enslave themselves. There can't be an apology for slavery. I can't live in a world were so many black people are on welfare because of this enslavement. I can't live in a world where black people still think that Democrats are their saviors. They are not trying to save you. If anything, they are enabling your self-enslavement. Wake up! Take advantage of what little merit is left in the education systems, go to college, get a job. If you don't want to be stereotyped, steer clear of stereotypical behaviors. Black people are smart, creative and beautiful. We've got to start living up to our true potentials. All the blame cannot still go to white people and what white people may or may not think or say or do. The blame now resides squarely on our shoulders. And, those white people that still hold prejudices or seek to discriminate . . . guess what, you can walk right on past them.

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